Local School Nurse Discovers the “Fountain of Youth” in Her Food…


Local School Nurse Discovers the “Fountain of Youth” in Her Food…

No matter what Carol did, she could not stop gaining weight.

She used to spend her mornings and weekends running long distance. In fact, she used to run multiple marathons each year.

But now, she could barely get out of bed in the morning. And no matter how healthy she ate, she kept gaining weight. It seemed like nothing could stop it.

Her husband took her to visit countless doctors and special clinics. But they all told her the same things.

“There’s nothing wrong.”

“Just keep eating healthy and exercising.”

“It’s normal.”

But Carol knew this wasn’t normal. As a school nurse, she wasn’t technically a medical professional, but she knew something was wrong with her body.

She had always eaten healthy, and she used to exercise every day. So why was she suddenly gaining weight around her midsection? The stress was even making her husband gain weight too.

Then her prayers were answered…

Earlier this year, Carol made a discovery that completely turned her health around.

“I couldn’t believe it. Just one simple switch to my routine, and I’m losing weight like crazy. I’m so glad I found Dr. Goglia.”

Now, Carol is back on the trail, running each morning and training for her next marathon. And in fact, this method is so powerful, her husband tried it too… and he’s in the best shape of his life.

We asked Carol about her incredible transformation, and she was happy to tell us her secret.

It all started with a simple online health quiz that Carol found while searching for natural remedies.

“I saw the quiz online and answered a few questions. It calculated my results and told me exactly what I should be eating.

Now, Carol gets a custom meal plan delivered straight to her phone every week, tailored specifically to her body’s needs.

“I just follow the meals the plan tells me, and I’ve already lost 16 pounds. It really is the easiest weight loss I’ve ever experienced.”

And unlike regular diets, Carol and her husband actually keep the weight off and keep losing more.

We asked Carol to show us this quiz, so we could see it for ourselves.

And we were stunned when we saw the name of the doctor who put it together – Dr. Philip Goglia.

Dr. Goglia is one of the most famous names in nutrition. He’s known as the “nutritionist to the stars,” and his clients include a-list celebrities from this year’s hit movies and dozens of professional athletes.

We wanted to learn more about Dr. Goglia’s quiz, and how it was able to transform Carol back into marathon shape.

So we went straight to the source, and we caught up with Dr. Goglia himself at his office in Santa Monica.

“The quiz started as part of a mission to help all kinds of people – not just celebrities,” explained Dr. Goglia.

That’s why the quiz is completely free.

“I became a doctor because I wanted to help people. I’ve been very fortunate in my career, but I wanted to find a way that everyone could access the same techniques as my celebrity patients.”

The secret to Dr. Goglia’s method is something he calls “Metabolic ID.”

“Just like everyone has a unique blood type, everyone has a unique Metabolic Type as well,” said Dr. Goglia.

Your metabolic type determines how your body processes certain foods. If you’ve noticed yourself feeling bloated after certain meals, or experiencing poor digestion, it’s probably because you’ve been eating foods that are problematic for your Metabolic Type.

“That’s one of the biggest problems I have with most diets,” said Dr. Goglia. “They’re sold as a one-size-fits-all type of deal, but that’s just not how the human body works.”

One of the first questions people ask Dr. Goglia is: How do celebrities transform their bodies in such a short amount of time? We’ve seen everyone from superhero film stars to regular moms at home lose dozens of pounds in a matter of months.

For Dr. Goglia, the answer is simple. “They’re eating the right foods for their Metabolic ID. And they have the benefit of a personal nutritionist telling them exactly what to eat for every meal.”

And that’s the best part of Dr. Goglia’s quiz. Not only does it tell you your Metabolic ID, but at the end, it also gives you the option to receive a custom meal plan every week.

These meal plans are designed specifically for your body, based on your Metabolic ID and other information you provide in the quiz.

And you get access to real, live personal nutritionists to help guide you and encourage you along your weight loss journey.

You get the exact same techniques that Dr. Goglia’s celebrity patients use, and you can do it right from home.

The quiz is free and easy to use and will reveal your results instantly!

About Dr. Goglia:

Dr. Goglia is widely recognized as one of the most accomplished nutritionists in his field and is the best selling author of “turn up the heat”. He is famous in Hollywood for his work with celebrities, business moguls and royalty from all around the world. Dr. Goglia holds a PhD in Nutritional Science, and is a graduate of Duke University, The American College of Sports Medicine and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Click here to learn more.


*The information on this advertorial is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. Inches lost from hips, waist, chest, thighs and arms in first month. These users exercised daily and ate a reduced-calorie diet. Their fat loss is not typical. We are dedicated to bringing readers valuable information which can help them accomplish their financial and lifestyle goals. Our disclaimer is that this site does receive compensation for product reviews and referrals or purchases made through our links. This page is an advertisement/advertorial. The story depicted here is for demonstration purposes only and everyone’s results may vary. We hope you find our online resource informative and helpful. This site is in no way affiliated with any news source. This site contains affiliate and partner links. This website and the company that owns it is not responsible for any typographical or photographic errors. If you do not agree to our terms and policies, then please leave this site immediately. All trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. Contents of this website are copyrighted property of the reviewer and/or this website.

© Saving Money Weekly 2022. All Rights Reserved.


*The information on this advertorial is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. Inches lost from hips, waist, chest, thighs and arms in first month. These users exercised daily and ate a reduced-calorie diet. Their fat loss is not typical. We are dedicated to bringing readers valuable information which can help them accomplish their financial and lifestyle goals. Our disclaimer is that this site does receive compensation for product reviews and referrals or purchases made through our links. This page is an advertisement/advertorial. The story depicted here is for demonstration purposes only and everyone’s results may vary. We hope you find our online resource informative and helpful. This site is in no way affiliated with any news source. This site contains affiliate and partner links. This website and the company that owns it is not responsible for any typographical or photographic errors. If you do not agree to our terms and policies, then please leave this site immediately. All trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. Contents of this website are copyrighted property of the reviewer and/or this website.

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