

Save In Excess Of $350 Monthly
Off Your House Payment!

Federal Program Offers Huge Savings To Homeowners Who Apply & Qualify! You Have Nothing To Lose With This Risk Free Offer!
Freddie Mac's latest mortgage stimulus program offers massive savings to millions of Prince Edward Island homeowners. Typical Prince Edward Island homeowners are expected to see savings of 20% off their house payment!
October 21, 2024

(Freddie Mac, Washington, D.C.) : The fed wants banks to cut your mortgage rate and Freddie Mac has introduced this program to do just that. This new program which is called the Flex Modification Program (FMP), offers some impressive benefits that will likely benefit most Prince Edward Island homeowners and have many calling it one of the best refinance programs of this decade. Typical homeowners in your area have already saved thousands in mortgage payments by reducing their monthly payment by an average of 20%.

When homeowners visit to see if they are eligible, they are surprised to learn this simple house payment reduction program that can lower their mortgage rate and can drastically reduce their payment. If you want to lower your mortgage payments, pay off your mortgage faster or get some extra needed cash out, this program will allow you to do just that!

Best Refinance Program Of This Decade

Sadly, some people think this program is “too good to be true” or only available to people in need of assistance. This is absolutely not true, Flex Modification is designed for ALL homeowners and to date has reduced mortgage payments for millions of Americans. Moreover, homeowners with good credit see even greater savings!

If you want to lower your mortgage payments or eliminate years off your mortgage, it’s crucial that you act now. You may even take some cash out of your home to help you with paying off debts, bills, home renovations, your child’s education, or that much needed vacation.

Take Advantage Of These Benefits

  • Save up to 20% on your monthly payment. Example: If your payment is $1,750/Month, that cuts $350 off.)
  • Eliminate years off your mortgage and save monthly
  • Take cash out for home improvements, paying off debts, or for college tuition.

How Do I Find Out If I’m Eligible?

Click on your state below to get started, which takes less than 2 minutes. You will then have an opportunity to compare the best savings offers available to you.

Act Now & Start Saving Money Immediately

SavingMoneyWeekly’s free service helps homeowners easily get qualified for Flex Modification. In just a few minutes, you could get matched with reputable FMP lenders and see which lender will give you the most monthly savings. Savings that can be up to $350/month, what would you do with that extra cash? is one of the country’s largest and most respected mortgage websites. They are currently connecting smart homeowners like yourself with competitive mortgage rates. Service is fast, easy, and 100% free with no obligation. It takes less just a few minutes- you have nothing to lose! You will be very surprised to see how much you’ll save.

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